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For general purpose stock removal, deburring, and grinding, abrasive quick change discs work incredibly well. These same discs are commonly used for other things, including the removal of paint, scale oxidation, protective wax, and welds. They also can be used for leveling surfaces and grinding cavities. Typically, these discs are used in conjunction with a die grinder.

Abrasive Quick Change Discs

Unlike most discs, which have to be removed or changed out using some type of special tool, abrasive quick change discs are designed with a button located on the reverse side that allows the disc to release quickly. Because there is less time involved with changing discs, production becomes more efficient.

In addition to the quick change benefit, these discs are small, usually just 2 to 3 inches in diameter. As a result, the grinding footprint is quite small. In addition, this makes grinding in constricted spaces easier.

Primary Reasons for Using Abrasive Quick Change Discs

Changing this type of disc without using a special tool equates to less tool downtime. However, there are other advantages to consider, such as flexibility. A highly flexible abrasive quick change disc can conform to space with ease while decreasing the cut rate. In comparison, a rigid disc reduces both stock removal and cut rate.

In other words, if the abrasive quick change disc is flexible, the finish is finer, stock removal is lower, and conformability is greater. With a rigid disc, the finish is coarser, stock removal is higher, and conformability is lower. To achieve either a flexible or rigid abrasive quick change disc, different methods are used.

  • Undersized Holder – Most abrasive quick change discs are 2 or 3 inches in diameter. By using an undersized holder measuring 1 or 1½ inches, the degree of flexibility increases, as does contour around the workpiece.

  • Holder Hardness – Another way to vary the degree of flexibility for discs involves the holder hardness. In this case, you would simply choose a different hardness backup pad, available in soft, medium, and hard rubber.

  • Additional Options – Multiple plies of backing, slotted edges, and varied stiffness backing at the location of the edges are also used to change the flexibility of discs.

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